Bugs and Issues - LSS

Agordejo: undo?


I removed a Carla instance by accident as I was wanting to start it again, I right clicked, then hit the wrong "R*****".

So some form of undo would be appreciated for moments like that.

(N.b. the path of a double-click to start a stopped app would help avoid this happening)

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#1. nils

I have an undo-engine ready for all my programs, but while writing Agordejo I was unsure how to handle that (and I did not).
After all the concept of undo does not reach far enough here. I think of undo only as useful if you really can go back in a linear way.
For example you can't undo save.

#2. lss

No undo, next to impossible with NSM.
But Double click to restart is now in git.